Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Day Three: Fin

This morning I woke up, and it was Day Three.

All of my joints hurt.  I felt vaguely ill.  I was so tired.  And the pain was enough to set my teeth on edge.  When I heard myself whimper as I got ready for my shower, I decided: no more.

I got through the day, partly by virtue of going to see a movie to distract myself.  When I got home, I had two hotdogs and drank a glass of water, then another a half hour later, then a third.  Finally, I took myself to the lab.  As I expected, 90 minutes was about the perfect interval after eating a bunch of protein; my bones had that "dipped in an acid bath" feeling.

I'm a difficult draw, but the water paid off this time.  I went home, still breathing a little hard from the effort of moving, and immediately took two arginine caps.  Then I had dinner.

Now, three hours later, things are a little better.  I expect it'll take the next couple of days to recover, but by the weekend I should feel much more myself.  And I hope, dearly, that this is the last time I ever have to do this.  The psychological toll of deliberately poisoning myself is not a minor thing.

Here's hoping for high numbers.

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