Thursday, August 8, 2019

Marking time

Well, I'm still trying to find a geneticist... Once I discovered that my health care system didn't have any on staff, didn't have any on contract, and didn't have a list to help me find one out of network, I started pounding the pavement myself.  July was spent trying to get a response out of Stanford, who told me they'd get back to me and then stopped returning my calls.  Now I'm waiting for my doctor to send a referral to UCSF.

I'm still pain-free and continuing to lose excess fat on a low-protein diet, though the scale isn't budging because I've been doing so much more exercise.  The fact that I'm still able to build muscle is encouraging.  No new revelations; I've been supplementing with arginine and acetyl-L-carnitine, with occasional doses of glutamine, glucosamine, and proline.  My joints feel fine, and I haven't felt any other side effects.

I still figure that I have some kind of amino-acid disorder, but new clues are not forthcoming.  There appears to be no significant difference in my symptoms if the protein comes from an animal source vs. a vegetable one, though I haven't tried another challenge diet using plant protein... I'd rather avoid that if possible.  I'm trying to be patient and wait for a professional so that I can have lab tests done, rather than picking representative amino acids for the various disorders and doing challenges with them.  I'll leave that as a last resort, because cowboy research is far from ideal.

Meanwhile, I'm planning a camping trip.  I originally started this blog because of the complete lack of suggestions for outdoors food on a low-protein diet, and now that I have several months of cooking experience under my belt, I'm managing to make a decent list of options.  I'll share that here, along with some recipes I've been really enjoying.

Life goes on while we wait for developments...

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