Saturday, October 31, 2020


Fajitas are one of those meals where we never had them when I was a kid, and now I can't seem to get enough.  Something about the spicy tanginess, the sour cream, and the fried peppers.  If you're in the same camp, read on.

I grabbed the marinade I use from's steak or chicken fajitas recipe and subbed smoked paprika for the hot pepper flakes (if you read many of my recipes, that was predictable).  I swapped the flour tortillas for corn. And instead of meat, I used.... more veggies!  Of course.

So, to start with: double the marinade.  Cut a carrot or a zucchini into strips and cook it lightly (it should still be firm, not crunchy), then toss it with the marinade.  Set it aside while you fix the peppers and onions.

When the peppers and onions are hot and browned, pull them out into a bowl and toss in the marinated veggie strips.  Cook over medium heat for 1-2 minutes, or until the sauce is thick.

Warm six 8" corn tortillas by frying them in a pan with a little oil, then top with the veggies, then the onions and peppers.  Add a dollop of sour cream, salsa, and some chopped cilantro.

If you need a bit more substance with your meal, consider making some Mexican rice to go on the side. I have also gone the Irish-Mexican route and made mashed potatoes, which are a good stand-in for refried beans.


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