Saturday, October 31, 2020

Potato gnocchi

I will forever be in the debt of the friend who answered my question, "How can I keep eating potatoes as a large part of my diet without starting to hate them?"  She said, "Gnocchi."  And she was right.

Trust Serious Eats to figure out the best way to make them.  They're right, baked russets make a very light gnocchi.  And the recipe is simple and easy to make, leaving forming the little buggers as the hardest part.  Sit down with a bowl, a plate, and a freezer tray in front of the TV, and it's a pleasant way to pass the time.

Gluten-Free Potato Gnocchi

I mix it in a bowl, not on the counter, which feels needlessly messy.  I often use one egg (that seems to hold them together well enough), but a flax egg would be my choice for a substitute: add three tablespoons of very hot water to a tablespoon of flax seed and stir.  Ultimately, the sweet rice flour, aka mochi flour, will bind these together the rest of the way when they're cooked.

They freeze exceptionally well.  It's marvelous to pull out 20 of them or so, pop them in boiling water, and in five or six minutes they're ready for sauce.  They have a texture like ricotta cheese, which is unbelievably rich in an alfredo sauce, or wonderfully fluffy in marinara.  Add a side salad and you have a delicious light meal.

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