Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Things are fine, now where's the food?

It's been a while!  What have I been up to?

My health has been better, partly due to the diet, so I've been trying to sweep back the tide of entropy for two houses 500 miles apart.  But in between cleaning, weed control, and fixing doors, I've been cooking a lot of stuff.

It turns out that I can tolerate a small amount of protein in my diet if I keep up with my arginine supplements, so I'm up to about 60 grams per day.  I feel better about my long-term prospects at this level, which is similar to what people with kidney disease try to adhere to, and it has allowed me to loosen a few of my dietary restrictions.  I can, for example, have a little cheese now and then, or a single egg. :)

I'm always hunting for good recipes, though.  And boy howdy, I've found some.

I'm hoping to post the following over the next day or two:
Penne pasta with cauliflower and lemon
Beefless stew (link, with my notes)
Eggplant-potato moussaka
Mushroom ragout (link, with my notes)
Garlic eggplant
Skillet rice
Potato gnocchi (link, with my notes)
Dumplings and gravy with kale or collards
Cream of potato soup

Most of these are low-pro to start with, and some can be tweaked to be even lower.  Yet they are all incredibly tasty, satisfying, and relatively painless to cook in a standard kitchen.

I have some others up my sleeve, like pad thai and fajitas, where all it takes is omitting the meat.  I'll try to post something on those, too.

Zebras, let's get cooking!

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